
Meet Nancy.

If you've called CLGW's main phone line, or visited our Administrative offices in Guelph at any point, my guess is you've been greeted by this cheerful person.

Typically an administrative support and reception professional, the pandemic has kept Nancy on her toes. Her job has shifted drastically, now including stocking and shipping Personal Protective Equipment for our 40+ locations across Guelph and Wellington County. Her efforts have helped keep many people safe and healthy throughout this pandemic.

She's also had to learn the ropes on a number of other 'duties as assigned', but she meets each challenge with a smile.

When we met up with Nancy for her We've Got This photoshoot, she was prepared.

Not only did she want to capture herself in the wild of her the PPE filing system, but she gleamed at the opportunity to say thank you. She's met, heard from, and shared stories with some truly incredible Direct Support Professionals. While the pandemic has served her a big ol' mess of inconvenience, she's continued to find silver linings and hopeful outcomes.

Outside of the job, she's been keeping busy at home. She loves working on her land, and finding unique ways to reconnect with nature. Nancy even took a course, recently, to become a bee keeper (earlier pun intended).

She's looking forward to the day that she can harvest her own hive, and share the spoils of her efforts with family and friends.

  • we've got this, photo series, one year later, covid-19, community living guelph wellington, elle chic photography, guelph ontario, disability, frontline heroes

    This photo series began as partnership between Community Living Guelph Wellington and Elle Chic Photography to showcase people’s “We’ve Got This” spirit. These photos tell a story. They are a testament of how people have persisted, how they’ve managed… how one year later, we’re still saying we’ve got this.

    Read about why we started the We've Got This photo series here.

    Additionally, May is Community Living Month. To help us jump start this photo series, we reached out to our community, our direct support professionals and the people they support, asking if they wanted to showcase how they have been managing the pandemic – their “We’ve Got This” spirit. The response has been incredible.

    All throughout May, Community Living Month, you will see photos on our social media channels from those who wanted to join in.

    We invite you to join in too.

  • This photo series is an open invitation to capture your “one year later” moment.

    Snap a photo or a short video of you and something that has been helping you to keep going through this pandemic. Post it to your social media accounts, and tag #GotThis #OneYearLater

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