Questions and Answers

Last updated December 7 2020.

Note: this page is not a CLGW FAQ. It was published to share questions and answers given after a November 2020 family townhall meeting. The information on this page may be out of date, but remains available for educational purposes.

In an effort to share good information, with as many people as we can, we've put together this Question and Answers page.

If you do not see your question presented here, you can submit it online at:

Submitting it here will help us streamline getting answers. We appreciate your help with that!

For the purposes of this page:

  • Day Services – has been used to describe day-time services that CLGW provides. You might know Day Services as: ARC, ADS, Day Programs and so on.
  • Community Living Centre - has been used to describe each building that CLGW provides Day Services in. You might know these as a variation of the following: ARC Industries Building, ARC East, Fergus Base, Minto/Harriston Centre, and Mount Forest Base.
  • People supported, people, or people receiving services – has been used to describe a person who currently receives support/services from Community Living Guelph Wellington. People4People Self Advocacy Group advocated on behalf of people supported to CLGW to stop using the word client, in an effort to recognize people as people.


Each question is displayed below. You can scroll to find a question that interests you. To see the answer, click the white down arrow ( v ) on the right hand side of the question bar. It will then expand to reveal the answer.

Ministry Related Questions

Funding Related Questions

CLGW Services related questions

Strategic Plan, process, and membership related questions

Asset 1

If you do not see your question presented here, you can submit it online at:

Submitting it here will help us streamline getting answers. We appreciate your help with that!