We met up with Paul for his We've Got This photo.
While taking his photo, he told us a lot about his past year and what he hopes to accomplish in the future.
You see, Paul is a really social guy. He likes to hang out with people, talk about what's been going on, and he always has a story to tell.
The pandemic has made seeing people quite difficult, but he's found some of that we've got this spirit.
Paul has been honing his art skills, and spending a lot of time painting. Whether he's taking a virtual class over Zoom, or getting a little help from his support team, Paul has found happiness in colour.
Last summer, Paul started painting a new canvas: rocks. He and his roommate, Evan, would work together to get the rocks from a trail near their home. Evan would hookup his bike trailer, and off they would go picking out the best ones for Paul to paint.
Painting thoughtful messages and bright colours, each stone was then hidden in the gardens around their home. Those bright little nuggets greeted neighbours and passersby, and gave a medium for Paul to share his joy.
While we all had to do our part to stay home, physically distance, Paul's art gave him a way to connect with others.