We want to hear from you!
We have a few questions we would like to get your thoughts about. The questions are about what CLGW currently does well and what it could do in the future. Your experience and knowledge would be helpful for us to learn from!
The survey is voluntary. It takes about 5 minutes. Answers will be kept confidential.
Please select the survey that most closely aligns with your relationship to CLGW.
Family Member/Guardian/POA
- Online Survey: https://clgw.ca/strat-survey-FAMILIES-GUARDIANS-ONLINE
- PRINTABLE Survey: https://clgw.ca/strat-survey-FAMILIES-GUARDIANS-PRINTABLE
People Supported
- Online Survey: https://clgw.ca/strat-survey-PEOPLE-SUPPORTED-ONLINE
- PRINTABLE Survey: https://clgw.ca/strat-survey-PEOPLE-SUPPORTED-PRINTABLE
CLGW Employees
- Online Survey: https://clgw.ca/strat-survey-STAFF-ONLINE
- PRINTABLE Survey: https://clgw.ca/strat-survey-STAFF-PRINTABLE
People Waiting on Service
- Online Survey: https://clgw.ca/strat-survey-WAITING-ON-SERVICE-ONLINE
- PRINTABLE Survey: https://clgw.ca/strat-survey-WAITING-ON-SERVICE-PRINTABLE
Individual responses and group responses are accepted! It is okay for you to complete the survey as an individual, as well as participate in a group response.
Note: Online survey results will go directly to Gary and his team. Printable surveys can be returned to CLGW Admin Offices – 8 Royal Rd. Guelph, ON, N1H 1G3, where they will be given to Gary’s team. All data collected will be reviewed and assembled by Gary’s team.
The deadline to complete the survey is January 31, 2023.
In addition to the surveys, we will be hosting three focus groups for family members, caregivers and guardians AND *NEW* three focus groups for people supported to offer their feedback.
If you are interested in attending a focus group, please see the areas of focus, and registration links below.
Focus Group Registration Links - For Family Members/Caregivers/Guardians
- Services and Programming Focus Group – Monday, February 6 at 12pm (noon)
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkd-uoqzgoEtbseg9ITRftGeXY1Wye-BFJ - Supportive Housing Focus Group – Monday, February 6 at 6:30pm
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUudu2qpzgpG9cCtRs96q4iEjRXTDDVWGOp - Supportive Employment Focus Group – Tuesday, February 7 at 6:30pm
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUucuuqrTktHdb61oTX1Cl5lYRhTHjtciNR
*NEW* Focus Group Registration Links - People Supported
- Supported Employment, SIL and Passport Focus Group - Thursday, February 2 at 6:30pm
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtf--grjwtGdeUckQgdPfqtRNYan-eTuiF - Day Services Focus Group - Friday, February 3 at 10am
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqfumurTIqG90yhIT7DvTSrjFruGEqWbx6 - Residential Support Focus Group - Tuesday, February 7 at 10am
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuduqtpzsiHNXwPBm9NsNnedhYSulhfF-8
The Focus Groups will be led by Gary Sandor and Janice Dusek. These focus groups are an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and ideas. CLGW staff will not be in attendance (unless required as support).
Please register using the links above for the focus group that most interests you. Also, if you cannot make the time you most prefer, it is okay to attend any of the focus groups for your demographic. A meeting guide with the topics to be discussed will be circulated a few days before the groups will be held to registrants.
Reminder: It is okay to both submit a survey and particpate in a group response (like a Focus Group).
Your answers are part of our information gathering stage for our next strategic plan. A strategic plan helps organizations, like CLGW, identify goals and direction. It helps us to make decisions that will improve CLGW.
CLGW is partnering with Gary Sandor for this strategic planning project. Gary has more than 25-years of experience supporting social services and community-based agencies with their planning, with a focus on services for people with disabilities. Before helping organizations plan, Gary worked in direct service delivery for people with disabilities.
Thanks in advance for your participation!
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